The OBject Problem - 2019


still image from video work ‘The Object Problem: The Incomplete Object’

The Object Problem’ is an installation work that incorporates the mediums of sculpture, video and performance and utilizes a made-up retail store environment. This work explores the idea that entities do not hold further existence outside the mental existence. From this point the work questions the relationship of ‘words’ given to an ‘object’ and the identity of an ‘object’ that is described by the ‘word’. It explores the mental existence of an object created through language. This relationship is presented through a series of videos of the artist assemblage style objects and introducing each object with a particular title. In this work, the audience is invited into a speculative engagement with the objects and people performing retail service.

video work “The Incomplete Object”.

video work “The Meaningful Object”.


‘The Object Problem’ exhibited in 2019

Photo by Sarah Kukathas